As key and accessible advisors on health-related matters, pharmacists have always been vital to how we take care of our health. Over the course of the pandemic, however, pharmacists have compromised their own health and wellbeing by working longer hours to meet the increased demand for their services. In a recent survey conducted by Pharmavite, 62% of pharmacists reported that work commitments have become a top impediment to self-care and 30% reported that due to this, they are now taking worse care of themselves compared to before the COVID-19 pandemic began.

We want to help.
To register for a free virtual guided meditation class with renowned meditation expert, Faith Hunter, please click the in the listed time below that works best for your schedule:
To sign-up for a chance to receive a free wellness-focused care package, complete with Nature Made products, please fill out the registration form linked below:
Caring by Nature Care Package Sign-Up Form
To support pharmacists across the country who do so much for us, Caring By Nature is a give-back campaign to encourage them to return to healthy habits by offering free meditation classes and wellness-focused care packages. Pharmavite invites pharmacists to re-engage with self-care routines and register below to get back to practices lost during the pandemic, or incorporate new ones moving forward.